Thailand Mission Trip 2009
In October, 2009, we are taking 11 pastors and other support team members to Thailand to hold evangelistic meetings for Quiet Hour and ShareHim. Most but not all pastors are from the Southeastern California Conference. Since I grew up there, two of my brothers who are also pastors are going also! The sites are all over Thailand, from Chiang Rai in the north to Phuket and Haadyai in the south.
The budget for each site is $2500 which pays for individuals to help with the ground preparation, giving Bible studies, leading small groups, advertising, literature, etc. Quiet Hour is soliciting funds for their share, which is $1500, and each pastor is searching for $1000 for their share, on top of their ticket costs.
In July, 2010, we will do a more traditional trip into the Chiangmai area and build churches, so that seniors from La Sierra Academy can go, and any other youth or adults that want to go can contact us and make plans for that (
Checks should be made payable to "Southeastern California Church" and put "Thailand Evangelism" in the memo line, and mailed to:
Southeastern California Conference
Attn: Pastor Dan Smith
P. O. Box 8050
Riverside, CA 92515
(We are unable to process credit card contributions at this time)